Whenever I am writing, or more accurately, whenever I have written, I feel better and more at peace as a human being. — Rich Moody
Once again — but with all new prompts — we will begin the new year by making writing a priority in our lives. For ten days (we’ll skip weekends), our challenge will be to write 500 words a day, starting 2025 with a whopping 5,000 words.
There are times when the most important thing we can do as writers is to get words on the page. Stop fussing, stop editing, stop agonizing over word choice. Just write. Create character sketches, describe landscapes, write a detailed outline of the entire memoir or story or essay or novel. Write the poem without line breaks. Make a list of scenes, then force yourself to pick one and dive in. It’s a fallacy to think you must have it all figured out in order to begin. You don’t.
Each morning, those who accept this challenge will get a short email offering inspiration, and a writing prompt (that there’s no obligation to use).
Each night, participants will email Maribeth one thing: the number of words they wrote. There’s no critique or praise, no sharing of work, just a community of writers all vowing to make writing a priority at the start of this new year.